11. Februar 2012

Terraherz.de: Musik aus der Inneren Erde
Aufgenommen in einer Höhle in Tibet

Musik aus der Inneren Erde Aufgenommen in einer Höhle in Tibet :
MUSIC from INNER EARTH coming from secret cave in Tibet, recorded by Russian team. This mysterious Celestial Music has started to sound very recently. This is a very secret cave where Monks go meditate since centuries, but there was never any music coming from it before. This Music is part of the intense Dimensional transmutation work going on between the Soul of the Planet, the Armada of the Galactic Fed of Light & the INNER EARTH kingdom of Agartha. New high power SOUND frequency technology is generating this Music & healing Earth while the transmutation of the negative energies are modulating themselves into Light.

Musik aus der Innern Erde from Terraherz on Vimeo.

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